It is very hard to describe something that does not exist yet, but I am sure that there are many different form s of new media evolving into something as simple as we can imagine or complex to understand but simple to use.
Imagine this. You get at home, with your voice you turn on your computer which becomes your personal assistant. You ask for the temperature to be set depending on your current body temperature. You ask to be read the news headlines from your favorite newspaper, check all missed calls, play recorded messages, read your to do list, remind you your coming appointments, check how many people have commented on your blog, get a report of your financial investments including any sudden movements in the stock market. All of these happen while you take off your jacket, walk around your apartment, prepare a drink, select the ingredients from a recipe for you automatic micro wave/food dispenser.
Virtual reality is another area where new media could be heading. This new technology would be very beneficial especially for people with disabilities, allowing them to experience an almost there sensation or feeling, for example, a person assisting to a dance club and seeing the real people that are in the actual location, or even allowing a patient to virtually travel to hospitals for an examination
What is the New Media of the future?